Country Music Videos

Conway Twitty’s “It’s Only Make Believe” Touched Hearts Everywhere

Conway Twitty’s “It’s Only Make Believe” is a pivotal song in his career and in rock ‘n’ roll history. Released in 1958, the single quickly became Twitty’s breakthrough, reaching the top of the Billboard Hot 100. Co-written by Twitty and Jack Nance, the song was crafted while they were touring in Canada. At the time, Twitty was still an emerging artist, and this track catapulted him to fame.

The song’s success wasn’t confined to the United States; it also topped charts in the UK and Ireland. Its emotional lyrics and Twitty’s heartfelt delivery resonated deeply with listeners, capturing the essence of unrequited love and the yearning for a seemingly unattainable dream. This poignant yet powerful melody helped establish the song as a timeless classic.

Twitty, born Harold Lloyd Jenkins, initially pursued a rock ‘n’ roll career before transitioning to country music in the early 1960s. His ability to navigate between genres ensured his lasting relevance in the music industry. Despite his later success in country music, “It’s Only Make Believe” remains one of his most iconic tracks, reflecting his rock roots and early influences.

Throughout his career, Twitty continued to perform “It’s Only Make Believe,” making it a staple of his live shows. His capacity to convey deep emotion through his performances endeared him to fans, solidifying his reputation as a versatile and talented artist. The song has been covered by numerous artists over the years, each bringing their unique take to this enduring classic.

Twitty’s impact on music extended beyond his recordings. He was also known for his business ventures and his dedication to his fans. In the early 1970s, he launched a chain of fast-food restaurants called Twitty Burger. Despite the venture’s eventual failure, Twitty repaid his investors, demonstrating his integrity and commitment to his reputation.

Conway Twitty’s legacy continues to influence both rock and country music. His ability to blend genres and connect with audiences through heartfelt performances has left an indelible mark on the music world. “It’s Only Make Believe” stands as a testament to his talent and enduring appeal, reminding us of the powerful impact of genuine, emotive music.

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